This piece of work is from CHANG Ling’s Illusion Society series. Illusion Society is a continuation of CHANG Ling’s preoccupation with society’s realities, while also representing a deepening of exploration into such realities – an epochal illusion borne of CHANG Ling’s accumulated emotions and memories.
Through the Illusion Society series, CHANG Ling raises and practices “precision” in art. He encourages creators to abandon the constraints of logic, to view art as an externalization of the spiritual and an unveiling of emotion.
该作品出自常陵《大玄玄社会》系列。“大玄玄社会” 延续了常陵对社会现实的关照,但这类现实更加内化而深入,是常陵用情感和记忆堆砌而成的时代幻像。
在“大玄玄社会”系列的创作中,常陵提出并践行艺术的 “恰恰” 精神。他鼓励创作者摒弃逻辑的束缚,仅仅将作品看做是自身情感的流露和精神世界的外化。